R.R.R. - Rescue. Revive. Rehome.

Our Team

The RRR team is made up of everyday people, all-volunteer animal lovers passionate about animal welfare.

All of the positions (Board members, adminstrative, foster, adoption, transporters, etc.) are filled by people generously donating their time.

No one receives a salary or any compensation, for their work on behalf of RRR.

Siobhan Mikaere

– Co Founder / Chair

Co-Founded RRR 2019

Siobhan currently works as a Contracted Practitioner for NMO whilst undergoing a certification in Animal Behavioural.

SHE has an Advanced Diploma in Business Management and IT with 18+ years experience in Senior Management, Human Resources and Logistics specialising in Innovation, Change and Client/Customer Relations.

Siobhan has a love for family, animals, rescue, Travel and creating, developing and implementing new ways to help support better environments for animals and humans alike.

Rowan Elliot

– Co Founder

Co-Founded RRR 2019

Rowan currently works full time for Playtime as a manager, for a primary school children’s before/after and holiday care. She is also working part time for a private farmer as a farm hand helping to rear calves and milking inclusive of some general farm hand duties.

Rowan is also pursuing undergoing enrolling into the New Zealand Police Force.

Rowan has a love for animals, family, equestrian activities and search & rescue.

Brenda Jones

– Secretary / Board

Brenda started with RRR approximately 3-4 years ago as a volunteer all-rounder she joined the board approximately 6 Months ago.

She is currently working full time as a early childhood teacher for Merivale Whanau Aroha and has approximately 10+ years prior management experience.

Brenda loves spending time with her young family and volunteering for various charities.

Elizabeth Proudlock

– Projects / Board

Elizabeth started with the rescue in 2019 as a feline foster who then joined the board at its formation the same year. 

She works fulltime as a performing arts teacher with a master’s degree in special education.

She enjoys directing school productions and recently directed Fame junior.